Nemec, K., A. Stephenson, and M. Losch. 2022. How engineers and roadside vegetation managers maintain roadside vegetation in Iowa, USA. Environmental Management 70:593–604.
Nemec, K., A. Stephenson, E. Aizpurua Gonzalez, and M. Losch. 2021. Local decision-makers’ perspectives on roadside revegetation and management in Iowa, USA. Environmental Management 67:1060–1074.
Gunderson, L., B. Cosens, B. Chaffin, C. Arnold, A. Fremier, A. Garmestani, R. Craig, H. Gosnell, H. Birge, C. Allen, M. Benson, R. Morrison, M. Stone, J. Hamm, K. Nemec, E. Schlager, and D. Llewellyn. 2017. Regime shifts and panarchies in regional scale social ecological water systems. Ecology and Society 22(1):31.
Chan, J., B.B. DuBois, K.T. Nemec, C.A. Francis, and K.D. Hoagland. 2017. Community gardens as urban social-ecological refuges. P. 229–241 In: A. WinklerPrins (ed) Chapter in Global Urban Agriculture: Convergence of Theory and Practice between North and South. CAB International, Wallingford.
Nemec, K.T., E. Beckendorf, L. Hesler, W. Riedell, and J.G. Lundgren. 2015. The effect of flowering calendula and cuphea plants on Orius insidiosus survival and predation of Aphis glycines. Biocontrol Science and Technology 26:12–22.
Eberle, C., M.D. Thom, K.T. Nemec, F. Forcella, J.G. Lundgren, R.W. Gesch, W.E. Riedell, S.K. Papiernik, A. Wagner, D.H. Peterson, and J.J. Eklund. 2015. Using the pennycress, camelina, and canola cash cover crops to provision pollinators. Industrial Crops and Products 75:20–25.
Birge, H.E., C.R. Allen, R.K. Craig, A.S. Garmestani, J.A. Hamm, C. Babbitt, K. Nemec, and E. Schlager. 2014. Social-ecological resilience and law in the Platte River basin. Idaho Law Review 51:229–256.
Nemec, K.T. Tallgrass prairie ants: their species composition, ecological roles, and response to management. 2014. Journal of Insect Conservation 18:509–521.
Nemec, K.T. Eleven new records of spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) for Nebraska. 2014. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 87:249–252.
Nemec, K.T., J. Chan, C. Hoffman, T.L. Spanbauer, J.A. Hamm, C.R. Allen, T. Hefley, D. Pan, and P. Shrestha. 2014. Assessing resilience in stressed watersheds. Ecology and Society (1):34.
Nemec, K.T., C.R. Allen, S.D. Danielson, and C.J. Helzer. 2014. Responses of predatory invertebrates to seeding density and plant species richness in experimental tallgrass prairie restorations. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 183:11–20.
Stephen, B.J., C.R. Allen, N.M. Chaine, K.A. Fricke, D.M. Haak, M.L. Hellman, R.A. Kill, K.T. Nemec, K.L. Pople, N.A. Smeenk, D.R. Uden, K.M. Unstad, A.E. VanderHam, and A. Wong. 2013. Fecundity of the Chinese mystery snail in a Nebraska Reservoir. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 28:439–444.
Allen, C.R., K.T. Nemec, D.A. Wardwell, J.D. Hoffman, M. Brust, K.L. Decker, D. Fogell, J. Hogue, A. Lotz, T. Miller, M. Pummill, L.E. Ramirez-Yañez, and D. Uden. 2013. Predictors of establishment success and spread of introduced non-indigenous vertebrates. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22:889–899.
Nemec, K.T., C.R. Allen, C.J. Helzer, and D.A. Wedin. 2013. Influence of richness and seeding density on invasion resistance in experimental tallgrass prairie restorations. Ecological Restoration 31:168–185.
Nemec, K.T., and C. Raudsepp-Hearne. 2013. The use of GIS to map and assess ecosystem services. Biodiversity and Conservation 22:1–15.
Chaine, N.M., C.R. Allen, K.A. Fribcke, D.M. Haak, M.L. Hellman, R.A. Kill, K.T. Nemec, K.L. Pope, N.A. Smeenk, B.J. Stephen, D.R. Uden, K.M. Unstad, and A.E. VanderHam. 2012. Population estimate of Chinese mystery snail (Bellamya chinensis) in a Nebraska reservoir. BioInvasions Records 1:283–287.
Nemec, K.T., J.C. Trager, E. Manley, and C.R. Allen. 2012. Five new records of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) for Nebraska. The Prairie Naturalist 44:63–65.
Nemec, K.T., C.R. Allen, A. Alai, G. Clements, A.C. Kessler, T. Kinsell, A. Major, and B.J. Stephen. 2011. Woody invasions of urban trails and the changing face of urban forests in the Great Plains, U.S.A. American Midland Naturalist 165:241–256.
Nemec, K.T., and T.B. Bragg. 2008. Plant-feed Hemiptera and Orthoptera communities in native and restored mesic tallgrass prairies. Restoration Ecology 16:324–335.
Phipps, K.T. 2000. A summer survey of the birds at two eastern Nebraska wetlands. The Nebraska Bird Review 68:2–7.